CheckoutBiomass live cells and spores of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria and their metabolic products (proteins that are toxic to some insects when eaten, but not others)...
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Biomass of spores and mycelium of fungi Beauveria bassiana and metabolic products...
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Microbiome Insecta Soil mycelium and spores of several races of entomopathogenic fungi Metharizium, Beauveria and products of their metabolism (phytohormones, organic acids, antibiotics, enzymes, etc.)...
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Enzim Biotech insecticides are preparations whose active substance - highly specialized microorganisms and the specific biotoxins produced by them, intended for the fight against imago and larvae of malicious insects. Enzim Biotech insecticides have a wide range of actions, have an ovicidal action, do not cause resistance in malicious organisms, allows them to effectively use them for many years, without increasing the dose of the active substance.